Next Women at Pause group opens April 2024! 

 Who are Women at Pause?

  • Women aged mid 40's and up
  • Preparing for or experiencing empty nest syndrome
  • Looking for that second career...the first one no longer brings fulfillment
  • Adjusting to or preparing for retirement
  • Longing for joy and that inner passion again
  • Longing for work/life balance
  • Someone experiencing a significant life transition


What is Mid-Life Transition?

  • The second half of life belongs to you. The first half belongs to others - your parents, your husband, your kids, your employer.
  • Biologically at the pre-menopause and menopausal stage of life women are programed to withdraw from the world...PAUSE...from everyone to do important work on oneself.
  • A new version of success appears at mid life. It is a time where we most often search for our personal passions or finally pursue those passions.
  • Some women funnel this energy into new businesses, new careers, social injustices, political interests and personal passions. Some develop artistic talents they never knew they possessed.

If you are a woman at midlife you may be asking yourself some of these questions:

  • Why do I feel so stuck or blah most of the time?
  • If someone asks me what I am passionate about I have no answers that light me up.
  • What am I going to do when the kids leave or what do I do now that the nest is empty?
  •  I long for something more in a career but who would hire me?
  •  Why do I feel so invisible?
  • Why do I feel like I have lost the confidence I had as a younger woman?

If any of these thoughts resonate with you I want to assure you that you are normal. I also want to let you know that change can happen for you if you are willing to be open to new opportunities and invest in your personal development.

I've been there. I was stuck for far too long with no one to share how I was really feeling inside. Unfortunately I stayed stuck for far too long.

When I figured it all out and found new passions and a purpose I created a comprehensive program for women at midlife - my signature work is group work - the 12 Week Women at Pause Group Program.  It provides a strong foundation that you need to create the second half of your life to be the best half. 


Since 2009 I have coached countless women  with a 98% success rate. Here are just some of the benefits the graduates have experienced:

  • A new found confidence that makes you feel comfortable in your own skin.
  • Inspiring career changes.
  • Renewed marriages.
  • Retirement with a new purpose.
  • New business started and existing ones thriving.
  • Feeling engaged in a supportive community that they can return to again and again.
  • Farms saved.
  •  Women who have People Pleased endlessly learned how to stop and put themselves on the top of their list.
  • Physical and Mental/Emotional Health improved.
  • Stopped being dependent on others for approval at work and home and understanding they are responsible for their own happiness.

"I started a business with my daughter after I completed the 12 week group. We opened 3 weeks ago and have been embraced by the community that has far exceeded our expectations. Keep doing what you are doing to inspire other women at this stage in life Brenda  - it's working."        --Tammy, Business owner, Calgary.


Women at Pause is for you if you want:

  • Clarity on what's next for you.
  • You want to feel less burdened by fear and self-doubt.
  • You know you are made for something special but you can't seem to put your finger on it.
  •  Or maybe you know what you really want to create in your life but you are just too scared to move forward!
  •  You want to belong to a community of women that support you and make you feel heard and really listen.

"After I retired I lost my spirit and floundered. I couldn't understand what was wrong but through Brenda's coaching and the women in the group, everything changed. When I left each session I could hardly wait to come back the next week. I felt understood, heard, and was given the steps to clarity which resulted in a smile on my face and new energy in my life. You must do this for yourself- no matter what age."  -- Linda, retired Insurance Broker, Winnipeg.


The Foundation of Women at Pause

The 12 week program is divided into 3 parts or what I like to call 3 trimesters - the midlife transition is really a rebirth.
  1. Getting to know who you really are at this stage in life and what you want.
  2. Understanding now the present is really perfect.
  3. Strategizing for your future.

Each of the 12 sessions are 90 minutes long and they are held on zoom. 

The group is limited to only 7 women. You will not get lost in a group of countless others. You will have the opportunity to be coached, and use your voice in each and every session.  The group follows a set of guidelines so it is a safe space for everyone. You will sign a confidentially agreement so everything stays inside the group. 

Here are some of the Modules and Topics that are part of the group program:

  • Learn about midlife - why you feel the way you do, act the way you do and understand that it is not only biological but spiritual. When women enter this stage in life they typically want to withdraw - pause - go inward to figure things out. That's why this group space is so sacred. For men, the midlife transition is often psychological.
  • You will spend 2 sessions on discovering what you are passionate about. This is a process that works - you will really get to know yourself and learn how to start living a passionate life.
  • You will learn how to live with stress in a more manageable way. Let's face it midlife is not an easy time - we can often be caught in between raising  teenagers and caring for aging parents. Marriages can become complicated as the divorce rate is the highest at midlife. Health issues, financial issues, the list goes on and on...but I will teach you a tool that you can use over and over again to move you from contraction into expansion instead of staying in a stressful rut for too long. You will learn to manage your emotions or perhaps feel them for the first time!
  • You will go through a Needs Assessment. Many of us don't know what we really truly need in our life. If they these Needs aren't met they can run our life.
  • You will learn how to align your life with your Values. Yes I bet you know what your values are but I am going to take you through an assessment that will show you what your top 5 values are. If life seems off track or you are looking for a new career or business this is a must to be sure you are living life that will bring you fulfillment.
  • You will become acquainted with your Inner Critic and learn how to have this voice stop running your show. You will actually become friends with this Inner Critic and you will see yourself take the brakes off on parts of your life.
  • We will do some right brain work and create a collage...unlike a vision board that you may be familiar with, this Collage exercise is not only fun but can be life altering!
  • You will understand the difference between the need to set Boundaries in your life and People Pleasing.  This most often surprises clients. So valuable.
  • You will meet your Inner Mentor which you will call Your Wise Woman. I will take you through a beautiful visualization in which you will meet her and understand how she can become your supportive inner guide.
  • Some session the women inside the group create the agenda based on the discussions within the group.

Everyone participates, everyone learns, everyone is heard and gets equal time

Here's why this group is so successful and what I have learned in the 13 years coaching and facilitating these incredible group experiences.

  • As women, we need each other.
  • You will become fuelled by rich discussion that matters to us inside the group. It like a breath of fresh air.
  • We grow through connection - spiritually, mentally and emotionally.
  • As women we become energized in a group of like-minded women we respect and respect us.
  • Other women often see the gifts we possess...sometimes we don't see these gifts ourselves or validate ourselves. They help us build our confidence and we need they their support.
  • There is a power within the group that cannot be explain, it can only be experienced.

"I am so glad I joined Women at Pause. I didn't feel like I was living my life to the fullest. The problem was that I didn't know what that looked like. By week 8 I had a breakthrough due to this group and I am truly excited for my future. I especially grew from the exercises of The Passion Test, identifying my Needs and Values. Hearing other women and relating to their experiences. And the support and encouragement from the other women and Brenda. I highly recommend this program."   -- Denise, Tec Manager, Vancouver.



Start date: April 2024


Refund policy: There are no Refunds. You must be committed to complete the program. It has a 15 year of success. It works if you show up, participate and do the work.

In the event of an illness or unforeseeable circumstance credit will be given to the next 12-week group. 

How to register: You must apply to register. Simply click here and we will pick a convenient time for a chat to see if what I offer and what you want are aligned. I also ensure the women that become part of the group are there for the right reasons. I want this to be the most enjoyable and beneficial experience possible for you.  


Join me today in transforming your life!

Contact Me to Get Started